Business Loans.
Whatever your future holds, FinCorp can bring it closer. Our Business Loans are designed to help you manage your business or move it ahead.
Bring your ambition to life.
What will drive your business forward? Vehicles? Property? Machines? Ideas? Space?
With FinCorp’s help, you can afford to think bigger and better.
For all your business needs.

Accelerate your business growth with term loans or fully-drawn advances for up to 15 years, with variable interest rates and monthly repayments.

Get cash to get your business moving with a secured loan. Your loan is secured by the IBD held and allows you to borrow up to 80% of the principal deposit.
What do I need to apply for a business loan?
- Government-issued ID of business owner(s)
- NID Card of business owner(s)
- 12 months’ bank statements
- 12 months’ bank statements
- 12 months’ loan statements from other lending institutions (if applicable)
- Certificate of incorporation or business registration (if registered company)
- Two years recent financial statements
- Cashflow projections (12 months)
- Latest available IRC certificate
Are there special requirements for vehicle and equipment loans?
Yes, to apply for a vehicle or equipment loan you will also need a supplier’s quote.
What do I need to apply for a commercial property loan?
To apply for a commercial property loan, you will need a copy of title, proposed sales agreement, and valuation report (if available).
Where can I apply for a business loan?
You can apply here on our website, call 8220 2100, text ‘loan’ for a call back or visit us at your local branch.
What can I use a business loan for?
You can use a business loan for growth, cashflow, plants, machinery, equipment, car purchase, business acquisitions and listed equity investments.
How do I get more information about business loans?
For more information, you can call 8220 2100, text ‘loan’ for a call back, or send us an email at callcentre@fincorp.com.pg.

FinCorp can help you get moving.
FinCorp Loans Specialists are experts in getting applications for all kinds of business equipment approved in 24 hours. Click the button below, or get in touch with one of our specialists today.